The European database of L1-HS retrotransposon insertions in humans

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7 SRIP in this sample from selected study
SRIP ID Chromosome Start Stop Strand Sub group Lineage PCR Reference SampleID GeneName
srip11741 chr10 124455216 124455216 + Ta-1 germline validated no 621 .
srip39528 chr15 34031852 34031852 - NC germline validated no 621 RYR3
srip53490 chr2 23191016 23191016 - Ta-1 germline validated no 621 .
srip54255 chr2 36570259 36570259 - Ta-1 germline validated no 621 .
srip98070 chr5 33797557 33797557 - Ta-1 germline validated no 621 ADAMTS12
srip107341 chr6 13503035 13503035 + Ta-1 germline validated no 621 .
srip134530 chr9 94416769 94416769 - NC germline validated no 621 .