The European database of L1-HS retrotransposon insertions in humans

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18 SRIP in this sample from selected study
SRIP ID Chromosome Start Stop Strand Sub group Lineage PCR Reference SampleID GeneName
srip10596 chr10 91717645 91717645 - Ta-0 germline validated no 619 .
srip26407 chr12 126802943 126802943 - Ta-0 germline validated no 619 .
srip37167 chr14 52667767 52667767 - Ta-1 germline validated no 619 .
srip37929 chr14 68784226 68784226 + Ta-1 germline validated no 619 RAD51B
srip39617 chr15 35654144 35654144 - Ta-1 germline validated no 619 .
srip41015 chr15 55129537 55129537 + Ta-0 germline validated no 619 .
srip42445 chr15 83551615 83551615 - Ta-1 germline validated no 619 HOMER2
srip48798 chr18 12491251 12491251 + Ta-1 germline validated no 619 SPIRE1
srip54993 chr2 57521054 57521054 + NC germline validated no 619 .
srip55794 chr2 79929378 79929378 + Ta-1 germline validated no 619 CTNNA2
srip63620 chr20 17860925 17860925 + Ta-0 germline validated no 619 .
srip66297 chr21 23626205 23626205 - Ta-1 germline validated no 619 .
srip70370 chr3 20748859 20748859 - Ta-1 germline validated no 619 .
srip87675 chr4 82206576 82206576 - Ta-1 germline validated no 619 .
srip92933 chr4 147225281 147225281 + Ta-1 germline validated no 619 SLC10A7
srip116055 chr7 3891249 3891249 - Ta-0 germline validated no 619 SDK1
srip123309 chr7 142818653 142818653 + Ta-1 germline validated no 619 .
srip129793 chr8 123643878 123643878 + NC germline validated no 619 .