The European database of L1-HS retrotransposon insertions in humans

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15 SRIP in this sample from selected study
SRIP ID Chromosome Start Stop Strand Sub group Lineage PCR Reference SampleID GeneName
srip5433 chr1 179575377 179575377 - Ta-1 germline validated no 620 TDRD5
srip13866 chr11 36558489 36558489 - Ta-0 germline validated no 620 .
srip27875 chr13 41006626 41006626 + Ta-1 germline validated no 620 TTL
srip47754 chr17 33135426 33135426 - Ta-0 germline validated no 620 .
srip57711 chr2 129573974 129573974 + Ta-0 germline validated no 620 .
srip59256 chr2 149814499 149814499 - Ta-1 germline validated no 620 KIF5C
srip60795 chr2 191478714 191478714 - Ta-0 germline validated no 620 .
srip67503 chr22 22486379 22486379 - Ta-1 germline validated no 620 IGL@
srip74722 chr3 81991006 81991006 - Ta-0 germline validated no 620 .
srip78853 chr3 151688101 151688101 - NC germline validated no 620 .
srip92928 chr4 147141637 147141637 - Ta-1 germline validated no 620 LOC345051
srip96880 chr5 21207713 21207713 + Ta-1 germline validated no 620 .
srip98160 chr5 35815141 35815141 - Ta-1 germline validated no 620 .
srip107340 chr6 13503035 13503035 + Ta-1 germline validated no 620 .
srip112873 chr6 108982608 108982608 - L1-Ta germline validated no 620 FOXO3