The European database of L1-HS retrotransposon insertions in humans

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Study ID   Ewing2010
Ewing, A.D. and Kazazian, H.H. (2010) High-throughput sequencing reveals extensive variation in human-specific L1 content in individual human genomes. Genome Res, 20, 1262-1270.
Pubmed:   PMID:20488934

In this study authors used high-throughput sequencing, they devised a technique to determine the insertion sites of virtually all members of the human-specific L1 retrotransposon family in any human genome. Using diagnostic nucleotides, they were able to locate the L1Hs copies corresponding specifically to the pre-Ta, Ta-0, and Ta-1 L1Hs subfamilies, with over 90% of sequenced reads corresponding to human-specific elements.

Mapped assembly Original assembly Browse by SRIP Browse by MRIP
hg19_NCBI37 hg18_NCBI37 SRIP MRIP