The European database of L1-HS retrotransposon insertions in humans

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Study ID   Ewing2011
Ewing, A.D. and Kazazian, H.H. (2011) Whole-genome resequencing allows detection of many rare LINE-1 insertion alleles in humans. Genome Res, 21, 985-990.
Pubmed:   PMID:20980553

In this study authors present an evidence for L1 insertions across all studies to date that are not represented in the reference human genome assembly, many of which appear to be specific to populations or groups of populations, particularly Africans. Additionally, a cross-comparison of several studies showed that, on average, 27% of surveyed non-reference insertions are present in only one study, indicating the low frequency of many RIPs.

Mapped assembly Original assembly Browse by SRIP Browse by MRIP
hg19_NCBI37 hg18_NCBI37 SRIP MRIP